Meeting registration fees : (VAT 19.6% included, accommodation not included):
- PhD, Postdocs & Student Fee: 120 EurosThese costs include the book of abstracts, access to the conference, booklet, coffee breaks & lunches The fees cover lunches taken at the conference centre from Tuesday to wednesday and Tuesday’s banquet (19:30). Please fill the Registration Form and send it to the organizers by email (elecnano@enscp.fr) before February 24th 2009. the payment should be send before February 24th 2009 at the following address. Address :
ENSCP Elecnano3 - SCF UPCG UMR 8151 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie 75231 Paris cedex 05, France. elecnano@enscp.fr Fax : 01 53 10 12 92 By chequeCheque to « Société Chimique de France SCF ».
Don't forget to write "Elecnano3" and the name of participant on the back of cheque.
Payment "bon de commande"to « Société Chimique de France SCF », specify the number and the name of participants
Don't forget to write "Elecnano3" and the name of participant on the back of cheque.
Société Chimique de France SCF N° SIRET de la SFC : 329 714 216
000 10 – APE 9499Z By International bank transferFor International bank transfer, Please send the corresponding amount of your registration to the following bank account:
By Credit Card (Visa, Eurocard, Mastercard)Please fill the Registration Form with Credit Card data and send it to the organizers by Fax (+33 (0)1 53 10 12 92) before February 24th 2009.
Please note if you want a bill