Elecnano4 - 7th ECHEMS

Paris, France

23 - 26 May 2011


The meeting is now finished. Thanks to all participants. See you to the next Elecnano meeting in Bordeaux, France in 2013.

Following the success of the previous editions of ElecNano 1-3 (2006, 2008 and 2009) and ECHEMS 1-6, the electrochemistry group of the French Chemical Society, the electrochemists of the University Denis Diderot Paris and the Scientific committee of the ECHEMS decided to join their effort to sort out a joint meeting ElecNano4 - 7th ECHEMS. This edition will be held in Paris from May 23 to 26 of year 2011.
The main topic of the meeting is:
Electrochemistry in Nano Structuration of Substrates and Energy

The major goals of the meeting are to show the contribution of electrochemistry in nanostructuration of substrates for energy with a special emphasizes into molecular electrochemistry for photovoltaic, artificial photosynthesis and CO2 reduction/valorisation. The purpose of ElecNano4 - 7th ECHEMS is to bring the leading scientists in electrochemistry and the scientists working in nanosciences and nanotechnology for energy to stimulate intensive discussion, initiate cooperation, and improve the personal links in these fields. Participation of young scientists (PhD, Students and Post-Docs) is particularly encouraged.

The following invited speakers will be present in this meeting:

R. CROOKS, University of Austin, USA

Core-Shell Dendrimer-Encapsulated Nanoparticles: Theory, Synthesis, Characterization, and Electrocatalysis

A. DERONZIER, Institut de Chimie Moléculaire de Grenoble, France

Electrocatalytic Reduction at Nanostructured Materials: a Convenient Process to use CO2 as a Renewable Carbon Source?


M. GRAETZEL, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland

Nanocrystalline junctions and  mesosocopic solar cells


Functional catalysts for hydrogen production and uptake, and oxygen reduction based on modified carbon nanotubes networks


G. WHITESIDES, Harvard University, USA

R. ZIESSEL, Materials, Surfaces and Processes for Catalysis, Strasbourg, France

New Luminescent Organic Dyes around a Boron Center: Synthesis and Optical Applications

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